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UrbanFarm 2020 second edition: call for projects!

UrbanFarm 2020 second edition: call for projects!


Siamo lieti di presentarvi la seconda edizione di UrbanFarm2020, la sfida lanciata a tutti gli studenti per la progettazione di città più sostenibili e di riflesso di economie nuove e alternative. Qui di seguito tutti i dettagli per la partecipazione forniti dagli organizzatori.

This challenge, open to University students from several disciplines and from all over the world, will address the design of urban agriculture projects in three locations. The challenge, organized by the University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, is also supported by the International Society for Horticultural Sciences. On the website, further information about the awards and components of both the International Jury and the Scientific committee are also available.

The registration is open until December 1st, when also the first submission (project concept and introductory video) is foreseen. A second deadline will be on January 20th, for the full project submission and final video. Selected teams will be able to present their innovative project at the International Fair NovelFarm2019, that will take place in Pordenone (Italy), on February 19-20, 2020.

For students willing to join but not yet involved in a team, a support is available on the facebook page Find You Team or by writing to urbanfarm@unibo.it

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